정교회 한국대교구
성 바울로 인천 성당

First Encounter between two Student Groups in Incheon
한국정교회 학생회와 대한 성공회 학생회원과의 모임(인천)

11명의 대한 성공회 성 니콜라스 성당(간석동,인천)에서 학생회 회원들이 정교회 성 바울로 인천 성당을 방문하고 서로 친교를 맺고 특히 정교회의 세례성사와 견진성사에 대하여 공부하였다.  
(Incheon) After the Sunday Divine Liturgy at St. Paul
s Orthodox Church, the Student Group of the community experienced the first encounter with the 11 students from the St. Nicholas Anglican Church in Incheon accompanied with their leader, Rev. Deacon Aidan Liang. They came to St. Paul Orthodox Church to learn of the Orthodox Rites, Baptism and Chrismation. Both Churches are working together for the unity of Christian Churches in Korea.


A Talk on the History of the Orthodox Church at St. Paul’s Church in Incheon
오순절 교회소속 예일신학교 대학원생의 인천성당 방문
Photo: A moment to pose for their memory in St. Paul’s Church

오순절교회에 소속된 예일신학교 대학원생들의 인천성당 방문을 통하여 정교회의 역사와 영성생활에 대하여 서로 대화를 나누었다.
(Incheon) A group of 15 Graduate Students with their Professor, the Rev. Yong Koong Park Dr., Professor of Church History, and 3 children of the students, from Yaeil Theological Seminary belonged to the Pentecostal Church in Hwasung-city, Kyungki Province, Korea, came to St. Paul Orthodox Church in Inchoen on October 14, 2005 in order to learn about the History of the Orthodox Church and Teachings of the Orthodox Spirituality. In Seoul, there are more than a thousand theological students from various Protestant Churches coming to St. Nicholas Cathedral every year to understand the Orthodox Church.

Theological Students of the Methodist College in Seoul visit the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea
감리교소속 신학원 학생들이 교구청 방문에서 정교회의 교회사을 통한 교리를 배우다.

감리교회 신학대학교 학생들은 서울 정교회 교구청을 방문하여 나창규(다니엘)대신부와 대화를 나누고 교회사를 통한 정교회 교리와 영성생활에 대해 강의를 들었다.
(Seoul) 11 Theological Students with their Professor from theMethodist College inSeoul visited the Orthodox Metropolis of Korea
s Headquarter inSeoul to understand the Ecumenical Movement of the Orthodox Church inKorea on 1st November, 2005.  V. Rev. Father Daniel Na, Director of the Administration Dept. of the Metropolis, explained the Orthodox Dogmatics Developement through the history of the Orthodox Church and the purpose of the participation of the Orthodox Church in the Ecumenical Movement inKorea.

Methodist Church     /        Anglican Church     /     Pentecostal Church    
감리교회 신학생     /       대한 성공회 학생회        /    오순절 교회 신학대학원생

St. Paul Orthodox Press
